New Ep

A journey between world


About the EP : A Journey Between Worlds

A musical odyssey from the Mekong to the Mediterranean

On my first album, “Consonnances” I attempted to bring together two of the world’s great musical traditions: the western string quartet and the Vietnamese zither; two tradictions that have spanned the centuries.
For my nex recording “A Journey Between Worlds”, I am joined by the extraordinary oud player QaÏs Saadi. In doing so, i am bringing together two musical styles that have never met before! Just as in “Consonnances”, I have set out to create a new type of music, fuding vietnamese instruments and melodies and modes with foreign musical styles. I am doing this because of my own bi-cultural upbringing – and because I want people to know about Vietnamese music! Not just as a museum piece or something to be heard at ethnic festivals, but a living music that people can feel, and identify with regardless of frontiers, borders, nationality or race. So what better way to accomplish this than with meeting and performing with musicians from different cultures? I hope my musical journey will encourage others to open their ears and hearts and experience the beauty that is possible when strangers become friends through the sacred act of making music.
All the songs on this EP have been inspired by authentic, traditional Vietnamese music, but have been recomposed, recreated and expanded, while retaining the spirit and structure of the original melodies.

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